Chapman’s Pursuit


Origin meaning businessperson or tradesperson

A surname derived from the occupational name céapmann "marketman, monger, merchant".

A verb céapan, cypan "to buy or sell"

A noun form ceap "barter, business, purchase."

Chapman’s Pursuit 
In loving memory of my uncle, Christopher Philip Chapman, who left us in October 2010, I decided to honor him by naming my business Chapman’s Pursuit.

This is also my way to remember this venture is not just about my personal ambitions but a way to grow a business for our family.

I Antonio have spent my whole life striving to grow in knowledge and skills so I can help make the world a better place. I decided to take all the knowledge, skills and passion for life & pour them into building a business.

However, as I grew older, I quickly came to the realization that knowledge and competencies were of no importance if I could not also learn the art of sales.

With Autism being a perpetual hurdle to work to over come in all aspects of life, realizing I must sell my vision to get my name out there to grow my business has been a constant challenge. This unexpected adventure has been very exciting and educational thus far and I can’t wait to see where this journey leads us as I continue this PURSUIT.

To establish a legacy & continuity that will grow with our family to be passed down across multiple generations.

I see a vision where we are working together to achieve common goals. Family members, having a shared commitment to the success and sustainability of the business. Key aspects such as shared values, traditions, and a common vision creating the opportunity for family members to be actively involved in various aspects of the business based on strengths and interests. This collective effort will not only secure the future of Chapman’s Pursuit but also strengthen the bond within our family for years to come.

Brand List

Marpe Supplements 
We have made a commitment to health and well-being on a personal, communal, and global level. We firmly believe that everyone should have the opportunity to access premium supplements that can enhance their holistic wellness experience.
Recognizing that each individual has distinct health requirements, we provide a wide array of supplements to address a variety of health objectives and challenges. Our goal is to support our customers in achieving their unique health goals and aspirations.

Original Word: מַרְפֵא 
Derivative of Old Testament Hebrew.
It encompasses the essence of healing and deliverance. 
It represents a curative force, a medicine that brings about restoration and wholeness. 
In translation: Marpe is depicted as a remedy, a source of soundness and well-being. 
The profound wisdom of Proverbs 4:22 
Illuminates the transformative power of Marpe. 
It declares that those who discover and embrace this healing essence will experience life and vitality. 
Marpe becomes a balm that nourishes and rejuvenates every aspect of their being. 
Jeremiah 33:6 
Further emphasizes the significance of Marpe, alongside two other Hebrew words, aruwkah, and the verb rapha 
1. Aruwkah (health): 
This word refers to a state of well-being, wholeness, and soundness. It signifies the restoration of physical, mental, and spiritual health. 
2. Marpe (cure): 
As mentioned earlier, Marpe represents a remedy or medicine that brings about healing and restoration. It encompasses the idea of being made whole and sound. 
3. Rapha (cure): 
This verb denotes the action of healing and curing. 
It signifies the act of bringing about restoration and wholeness. 
In Jeremiah 33:6, God promises to bring health, cure, and healing to His people. 
He assures them that He will restore their well-being, both physically and spiritually. 
Additionally, God promises to reveal to them an abundance of peace and truth, further emphasizing the comprehensive nature of His healing and restoration.

Esse Deliciae  
We are the Essence of luxury 
Quality goods paired with beautiful design to inspire one’s soul.

 The goal of Esse Deliciae is to provide high quality goods that are beautiful as well as beneficial to our users 

in the modern world it seems that low quality hygiene, jewelry and fabrics are running wild in the markets and people’s house holds! We are living in the age of over consumption; the idea of quality goods are no longer on the forefront of people’s minds and because of this we as Americans specifically produce tons of waste 

 our goal to encourage people to ditch the chemical filled products and over all cheap goods with quality goods that are sure to leave a lasting impact on you and your life is one we are very passionate about and we are excited to share our passion with you!  

agape productions 

is responsible for the production of this web page right here that you are currently reading and interacting with! The idea behind agape productions was to produce content and media that was first and foremost engaging and competitive with the media of the markets that already exist as well as being driven by positivity and cleanliness. It seems that most media and content that exist out there for public consumption is often vulgar and unimpactful. For people are mindless consumers when it comes to the media they consume not realizing how it may affect there subconscious mind. It seems that smut is in over abundance when it comes to the books we read, the shows we watch and the music we consume 

personally the originator of agape productions Antonio Levato was very bothered by how media would brainwash people to be less than excellent and rather than complaining about what others were doing it seemed to be a no brainer to put a leg in the race and produce content that was inspiring and transformative in positive ways rather than peddling entertaining and senseless content 

Luceo non uro

exist with the sole intent to educate, coach and lead others towards excellence and fulfillment in there Dailey lives; whether that be financially, physically and or mentally perhaps all 3 depending on the individual!

it was always very apparent that the masses had it all wrong and that merely a minority of people in our towns and society were outstanding individuals. With this being abundantly clear I knew something needed to be done!

with curiosity at a all time low and society lacking a quality Shepard who cared for them it is our mission to bring people to the light helping them understand themselves and the world around them. Our goal is to produce individuals who are highly educated, self aware and self actualizing for if we raise the bottom of society we will in turn raise the top!

it’s imperative that we don’t make excuses for our own inadequacies and that we face them head on with full accountability. In doing so we will not only raise the quality of our own lives but the lives of those around us.